Bill's Nichols-worth

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Location: Bedford, tx, United States

Friday, September 19, 2008

She is still in Remission! Praise the Lord

Didn't get to see the money people at SW Medical. Supposed to be putting me in touch with "Dale", one of the social workers, that should get us to the correct party. Dr. Maher is helping make that happen. She couldn't read the bill either.

Taking wife for another MRI today.

Will visit with the $$ folks at SW Medical Center; pray for us.

Tax revelation

My business got stiffed for $4300.00 by a company that quit paying it's bills! Government says "if you havn't paid tax on the earnings, then you can't claim the loss". Situation is that the customer was only active during the tax year. Bottom line, is you do all the work for the folks, then they stiff you, and you can't claim anything as a loss. Just does'nt seem fair. Especially since the tax rate for self employed folks is just about 33% of AGI. But, you can't deduct any of the above.

Insurance revelation

Unicare Insurance will not, and has not paid for any of wife's every-two-months MRI scans. $2500. each - I think 5 of them. Their max for imaging was $300.00. Ouch!